He was working against a couple hurdles. His ankle has been hurting him for a couple weeks now and with his running streak (he has gone running at least 2 miles every day for 4 years) he isn't able to take time off of it to let it heal. The weather didn't cooperate with him very much. This weekend has been in the 90's here in Seattle. Saturday night was a tough one in our house. We couldn't get it cooled off very well. So there wasn't much sleeping going on. The race started at 7am, which helped with the heat a little bit this morning (but not with the no sleep part...he had to get up at 5am to get to the race). By the time he was done it was 80 degrees out.
The race started in the U district and ended in Bellevue. He ran across the 520 Bridge, which they haven't allowed since 1984. Overall, he enjoyed himself and is gearing up for a marathon in the future.