We seemed to have settled into our new routine as of September. With MOPS, Toddler Group and work, we are keeping pretty busy, but still have 3 full free days to ourselves to do whatever Shane and I want (errands, clean the house, visit friends, and have some fun).
Shane is now 16 months old and changing every day. Words are coming at a steady pace in his own language that Mom and Dad can sometimes catch onto. He is super super curious. Pointing and asking what everything is. His two favorite things in the world right now are balloons and diggers (ie: anything construction wise, tractor, bulldozer, crane, etc). He can spot a balloon or digger a mile away. Driving by a car lot (tons of balloons) or construction site is the highlight of his day.
He is really adjusting to Toddler Group. He loves painting, glue and singing the songs at circle time. He even likes it when we do the songs at home. He is also starting to catch onto the routine of Toddler group. It just amazes me to see him pick things up so quickly (ie: snack time, bubble time, circle time, clean up time, etc).
MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers) still isn't going so well. He is still crying during the majority of his 2 hours in the nursery. We'll keep sticking it out though.
His list of words (some he hasn't said in a while, but did at one point and many do not actually sound much like the word, but we know what it means):
Dada -- he doesn't use this much currently
Mama -- he doesn't use this much currently
Dog = "do"
Up = I can't even explain this sound, but it's always the same
Hot = "ot"...he uses hot for cold things too, we are working on that one.
Digger = "di"
Duck = "du"
Grandma and Grandpa Hussey got him his Christmas present a little early this year. He has been into coloring and he can now do it on his own little table and chair set! Lucky little boy he is!