Adalyn had her 1 month well baby visit this morning (about 2 weeks late...but that is how the Dr's office scheduled it). She is weighing in at 9 pounds 15.5 ounces. My little girl is a half of an ounce short of 10 pounds!! She grew half an inch making her now 21.5 inches long. For both weight and height she is in the 50-75%. The doctor said she is doing "social" things like cooing and smiling at the development of a 2 month old. My little social butterfly already.
We've noticed that we have been having some issues with her sleeping. It seems to be hit or miss with her if she sleeps a lot or not at all. We discussed it with the Doctor who gave us a great refresher course on being overtired. Which we dealt a lot with when Shane was a baby. We'll be working on getting her back to sleep before she gets tired and keeping her asleep in the Moby, swing or holding her. We also got her a different kind of pacifier which I think will help a lot. She has been wanting to suck on the bottle to soothe herself to sleep, but then she gets milk and chokes on it which just doesn't work. The new pacifier has a tip like a bottle nipple which should make her a lot happier.
She also had her first shot as well and cried so much. Shane never cried with shots when he was little, which made it so much easier and made me very unprepared for her to be so upset. Watching her little face scrunch up while tears came rolling out of her eyes was hard to take.
Friday, December 31, 2010
When we were trying to find a name for our little girl we kinda started backwards: with her nickname first. I really liked the nickname Addie/Ady. We didn't want to use the name Addison because we felt it was to popular and wanted something more unique. From there we stumbled upon Adalyn. All along we knew that we would use her nickname of Addie/Ady. And as she got older it would be up to her when or if she wanted to use it more often or not at all.
Now the debut it how do we spell it?!? Kenny wants Addie because he thinks people will know how to say it correctly. I like Ady because all the letters come from her name. So far when we've polled friends and family it has been split down the middle for both.
Wanna weigh in? Leave a comment on which way you like best and why.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Happy Birthday.... me! The sun is out, Adalyn is sleeping in the Moby and Shane is happily playing outside. It appears to be a "normal" day in our household, birthday or not. Even though I won't be hitting the spa today, doing any shopping or even having a nice quiet dinner with Kenny. It is still a special day in my head. I get to walk around all day long thinking it's my birthday. It's an excuse to go to Starbucks, not do the laundry that is piling up, and spend just a little more time on Facebook today.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas 2010
We are back home after our first trip via airplane with two kiddos. All and all the flying aspect of the trip was uneventful. Adalyn slept or ate during most of it and Shane wiggled around, but was generally a trooper.
Where did we go you ask? Why Reno of course. We spent Christmas this year with Kenny's family. All 13 of us!!! 5 kiddos (including 2 infants) and 8 adults. Shane had an absolute blast playing with his cousins Carolyn and Meredith. We loved meeting little Grant. Adalyn enjoyed a couple "play" sessions with Grant as well.
Christmas never really felt like Christmas to me this year. Which was really tough because I LOVE Christmas time. I think we can blame Adalyn for this mostly. Being so focused on her and getting prepared to be out-of-town twice with an infant sorta sucked up all my energy instead of being in the Christmas mood. I am already looking forward to next year where we'll be celebrating Christmas at home and it won't be with an infant. Amazing to think that she'll be one next Christmas. I know that will be here sooner then I can even imagine.
Our first family picture as four.
Carolyn, Adalyn, Shane, Grant and Meredith = The Cousins
Joe and Jeni with all the Grandchildren.
All 13 of us and all looking at the camera!!
Christmas Day -- Where there were a lot of presents and a lot of excitement from these 3. Cookie bribes were needed to get them to hold still for any pictures taken.
Grant and Adalyn playing. They would look at each other, reach out and touch hands and coo to each other. Super sweet. Grant is two months older then Adalyn.
Christmas morning opening up stockings and gifts from Santa.
Traveling is tough on everyone.
One of the many activities (listening to books on tape) the 3 cousins did together. Shane was Carolyn's little shadow. Whatever she did he did. Meredith joined in when she wanted to or could handle the craziness of Carolyn and Shane.
Proud eldest cousin Carolyn holding little Adalyn. I think Adalyn is checking out Carolyn's hair wondering if hers is going to look like that?!
Where did we go you ask? Why Reno of course. We spent Christmas this year with Kenny's family. All 13 of us!!! 5 kiddos (including 2 infants) and 8 adults. Shane had an absolute blast playing with his cousins Carolyn and Meredith. We loved meeting little Grant. Adalyn enjoyed a couple "play" sessions with Grant as well.
Christmas never really felt like Christmas to me this year. Which was really tough because I LOVE Christmas time. I think we can blame Adalyn for this mostly. Being so focused on her and getting prepared to be out-of-town twice with an infant sorta sucked up all my energy instead of being in the Christmas mood. I am already looking forward to next year where we'll be celebrating Christmas at home and it won't be with an infant. Amazing to think that she'll be one next Christmas. I know that will be here sooner then I can even imagine.
Our first family picture as four.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Fake Christmas
We spent the weekend in Sequim for our "Fake Christmas". Since we'll be in Reno this year we got together with my family early to celebrate Christmas. It was hard to explain to Shane why we were doing this, but he really didn't care since he got to open up presents. It was our first rode trip with both kids. Along with our first time spending the night somewhere else. It was a good dry run for our big trip to Reno in a few days. We had highs and lows. Mema and Papa did take both kiddos for a few hours while we headed to the movies with Kevin and Becky. We saw The Tourist. I'd give it 3 stars out of 5. But it was still nice to get away even if it wasn't the best movie ever.
Shane watching the train under the Christmas tree. He loves this train!
Adalyn sleeping through the present opening. Shane got to open hers, which is was just fine with him.
Shane and his pile of gifts.
Shane with his Remote Control Monster Truck that Santa brought early to him.
The kids by our tree at our house. A picture requested by Mema.
Shane watching the train under the Christmas tree. He loves this train!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
1 month old
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Menu Monday
It hurts my head to have to think about dinner plans this week. I'm just not ready to get in the kitchen and make dinner with two kids needing something constantly. I have a goal of the first of the year to get back in the swing of well rounded dinners.
Monday -- Thanks to Molly for coming over and making crock pot lasagna for us! So yummy!!
Tuesday -- leftovers
Wednesday -- Tacos
Thursday -- leftovers
Friday -- We'll be out of town for an early Christmas with my family.
Saturday -- Fake Christmas dinner in Sequim
Sunday -- ??
Monday -- Thanks to Molly for coming over and making crock pot lasagna for us! So yummy!!
Tuesday -- leftovers
Wednesday -- Tacos
Thursday -- leftovers
Friday -- We'll be out of town for an early Christmas with my family.
Saturday -- Fake Christmas dinner in Sequim
Sunday -- ??
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Santa Claus Visit

We made our yearly trip to see Santa last weekend. We just LOVE this Santa Claus. I'm dreading the day he decides to retire. Shane did fantastic while waiting in line for almost 45 minutes. As we got closer he got a little nervous about sitting with him all by himself. But we asked him to be brave for Adalyn and show her how to do it. Which he did, the great Big Brother he is.
He told Santa just what he wanted. A remote control monster truck. I think Santa just might be granting his wish this year.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Adalyn had the chance to meet some family recently.
Here she is with Great Penny Grandma. It really touched my heart to see Penny Grandma so happy and content to hold little Adalyn. She really didn't want to give her up.

The "A-Team" -- Arli and Adalyn (2nd Cousins). They were due just days apart, but ended up being about a month apart. Arli wanted an early birthday in October and Adalyn wanted to stay warm and toasty a little longer then expected. We hope these two little cousins will grow up being great friends.
Here she is with Great Penny Grandma. It really touched my heart to see Penny Grandma so happy and content to hold little Adalyn. She really didn't want to give her up.
Friday, December 10, 2010
How Things Have Changed......
It's been three weeks since kiddo #2 arrived. And I have survived my first week home by myself with both of them. Slowly what was "normal" before Adalyn was here has started to shift to our new "normal". Slowly we are making progress with Shane's behavior which makes each day go more smoothly and makes for a happier family in general.
I knew things would change and I knew things would be different and I even knew things would be hard at times. But there were two items that surprised me by how hard they actually were.
The first week that Adalyn was home with us, I missed Shane so much. Even though he was right here in the house. All I wanted to do was cuddle with him, hug him, play with him and help him when he needed something. But my arms were literally full of Adalyn making it impossible for me to attend to Shane. It was hard to let go of what I had known to be my "job" up until that point and let someone else do it. It's still hard to know that I have to lean on Kenny or others to help with dinner, laundry, etc. Eventually that will change, but right now I'm learning the art of accepting and asking for help.
The other thing I found so surprisingly hard was losing my "free time". With just one kid, I had a nice cushion of free time to myself: nap time, preschool,and evening time. Where I was able to craft, watch TV, read or just do nothing. Not any more. If I do manage to have some time it is full of all the things I need to get done like take a shower, eat, sleep and clean up. This too shall change. I know the years will fly by and soon enough Shane will be in school and Adalyn won't be far behind him.
I'm doing my best to enjoy each moment right now. I'm trying to not look into the future too far ahead or wish for the time Adalyn is sitting up or walking, or Shane is in Kindergarten. I want to enjoy this moment right now and appreciate it, because I won't ever have it again.
I knew things would change and I knew things would be different and I even knew things would be hard at times. But there were two items that surprised me by how hard they actually were.
The first week that Adalyn was home with us, I missed Shane so much. Even though he was right here in the house. All I wanted to do was cuddle with him, hug him, play with him and help him when he needed something. But my arms were literally full of Adalyn making it impossible for me to attend to Shane. It was hard to let go of what I had known to be my "job" up until that point and let someone else do it. It's still hard to know that I have to lean on Kenny or others to help with dinner, laundry, etc. Eventually that will change, but right now I'm learning the art of accepting and asking for help.
The other thing I found so surprisingly hard was losing my "free time". With just one kid, I had a nice cushion of free time to myself: nap time, preschool,and evening time. Where I was able to craft, watch TV, read or just do nothing. Not any more. If I do manage to have some time it is full of all the things I need to get done like take a shower, eat, sleep and clean up. This too shall change. I know the years will fly by and soon enough Shane will be in school and Adalyn won't be far behind him.
I'm doing my best to enjoy each moment right now. I'm trying to not look into the future too far ahead or wish for the time Adalyn is sitting up or walking, or Shane is in Kindergarten. I want to enjoy this moment right now and appreciate it, because I won't ever have it again.
Hot Cocoa Holder
I haven't been very good at getting any of my craft projects up on the blog lately. I'm hoping to get more of those up in the coming weeks and year. I really wanted to share this little project. Below is the cutest hot cocoa holder ever! But I didn't make it. The credit goes to Michele a fellow CTMH consultant.
I think it would be the perfect gift for a teacher, mail man, neighbor, etc. And so easy to make, too!

I think it would be the perfect gift for a teacher, mail man, neighbor, etc. And so easy to make, too!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
3 weeks
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Bath Time
This was Adalyn's 2nd bath at home. Shane loves to help at bath time and is very gentle with his Baby Sister. At the hospital our awesome Nurse Jennifer showed Kenny how to give an "Evergreen" bath (named after the hospital). You swaddle the baby first and put them in the water that way. Which helps keep them warm and comfortable. Adalyn has loved every bath she has had, so it much work.
Shane helping to wash Adalyn's hair.

Monday, December 6, 2010
Menu Monday
My first week home with both kiddos by myself!! I might be slightly scared, nervous and confident all at the same time. We'll see how it goes. With that in mind, I am going to keep the dinner menu super simple.
Monday -- Chicken, Salad and Bread brought over by my awesome cousins Jeff, Shonda and Baby Arli! Thanks Guys, that was super super nice of you!!
Tuesday -- Pasta Dish from the freezer
Wednesday -- leftovers if there is enough from last night
Thursday -- Chicken Enchiladas brought over by our wonderful friend Betsy and Little Lucy. I have decided having someone bring you dinner is the best gift of all! It is a wonderful feeling to know that that portion of the day has already been taken care of. Thanks, Betsy!!!
Friday -- Adalyn and I are having dinner at The Keg for our annual Cul-De-Sac Holiday Party. Shane and Kenny will be left to fend on their own.
Saturday -- Salmon and rice
Sunday -- Adalyn and I will be attending the annual Craft Club Holiday Party. It will be another night of fending for yourself.
Monday -- Chicken, Salad and Bread brought over by my awesome cousins Jeff, Shonda and Baby Arli! Thanks Guys, that was super super nice of you!!
Tuesday -- Pasta Dish from the freezer
Wednesday -- leftovers if there is enough from last night
Thursday -- Chicken Enchiladas brought over by our wonderful friend Betsy and Little Lucy. I have decided having someone bring you dinner is the best gift of all! It is a wonderful feeling to know that that portion of the day has already been taken care of. Thanks, Betsy!!!
Friday -- Adalyn and I are having dinner at The Keg for our annual Cul-De-Sac Holiday Party. Shane and Kenny will be left to fend on their own.
Saturday -- Salmon and rice
Sunday -- Adalyn and I will be attending the annual Craft Club Holiday Party. It will be another night of fending for yourself.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Gingerbread House
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Two Weeks Old
We've survived the first two weeks! Adalyn is doing well...eating and sleeping. She'll go 3-4 hour stretches of sleeping and is close to eating 2 ounces at a feeding. She loves the Moby Wrap and just about instantly falls sleep when I put her in it. That is a huge help since it frees up my hands to do other things around the house. She is starting to grab things which is fun when she gets a gripe on your finger, her blanket or the bottle.
Our eldest is having a rough time behavior wise. He is plain just not getting enough sleep which makes his behavior even more difficult to deal with. He is great with Adalyn. Very sweet, loving, interested in what she is doing, has expressed interest in wanting to play with her and helpful. It's is all the other daily stuff that has been hard with him. We hope to get things ironed out soon!!

Our eldest is having a rough time behavior wise. He is plain just not getting enough sleep which makes his behavior even more difficult to deal with. He is great with Adalyn. Very sweet, loving, interested in what she is doing, has expressed interest in wanting to play with her and helpful. It's is all the other daily stuff that has been hard with him. We hope to get things ironed out soon!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Plenty for Twenty in December

Close To My Heart is offering Plenty for Twenty in December!
From December 1st - 31st, when you place a $20 order on MyCTMH website, you'll be rewarded with a popular, retired
D-size stamp set for FREE! That's a $22.95 retail value, plus there is FREE shipping/handling and no tax on your free stamp set.
Grab Plenty for Twenty in December by visiting MyCTMH website and making a qualifying purchase today!
From December 1st - 31st, when you place a $20 order on MyCTMH website, you'll be rewarded with a popular, retired
D-size stamp set for FREE! That's a $22.95 retail value, plus there is FREE shipping/handling and no tax on your free stamp set.
Grab Plenty for Twenty in December by visiting MyCTMH website and making a qualifying purchase today!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Menu Monday
We finally have a baby and I am going to attempt to create a menu for this week so that when dinner time arrives it won't be so crazy around here figuring out what we are going to eat.
Monday -- Chili (from the freezer) and corn bread
Tuesday -- leftovers
Wednesday -- I'm going to do something with the leftover turkey....casserole or soup maybe??
Thursday -- leftovers
Friday -- We have an awesome friend bringing us dinner!! Thanks, Wendy!!!
Saturday -- A meal from the freezer
Sunday -- always a surprise....
Monday -- Chili (from the freezer) and corn bread
Tuesday -- leftovers
Wednesday -- I'm going to do something with the leftover turkey....casserole or soup maybe??
Thursday -- leftovers
Friday -- We have an awesome friend bringing us dinner!! Thanks, Wendy!!!
Saturday -- A meal from the freezer
Sunday -- always a surprise....
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Birth Weight
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