It's been a long drawn out process, a stressful few weeks, and we still have a weekend full of moving ahead of us, but it's finally ours! We get the keys tonight.
Years of waiting, watching the market, moving, renting and more waiting and watching the market, we have finally purchased a house. Years of me asking Kenny why can't we just buy right now, and him consistently telling me it is just not the right time, trust me when we buy we'll get what we want and even more, we just need to wait. And yes, he was right. Finally when the time came to start looking for a house, months went by and we found nothing on the market that we wanted. It was frustrating after waiting so long to then not find something you actually want to buy.
One Friday morning I was browsing my Facebook page when I saw a friend had posted that her house was on the market. I clicked on the link just out of curiosity. I flipped through the pictures, checked out the price and finally looked at the location and couldn't believe what I was looking at. This was the house! I instantly called Kenny and told him we needed to see that house ASAP and sent him the link. We had a tour already set up for that weekend, so we easily added on this house.
There happened to be an open house before our house tour, so we were the first ones to the open house, just dying to see it in person. Confirming our thoughts that it was the one. We put an offer in that night right after our second tour of it. Not even taking the time to see any other of the houses we were suppose to see that day.
It was a nail biting few days while negotiations took place. Word of multiple offers on the house made us super super nervous. I finally asked our Realtor if it would be okay if I contacted the sellers since I knew one of them as a casual acquaintance. I thought maybe adding a face to the offer may help. In the end it may just have done that. We were blessed by the sellers who accepted our offer, even though it was lower then another one that had been given to them. I will always remember the words Michelle (the seller) told me when we chatted after the offer had gone through. "We prayed before we put the house on the market and we felt you guys were the answer to that pray."
Now the fun begins. We have some projects and plans for our new place. It may take us years to complete our list of things that we would like to do, but that is all part of the fun when it is finally yours.
Thanks Moody's for being awesome sellers! We wish you the best in your new home.
Another big thank you to Kenny for working his butt off the past month making sure all the documents were in, double checking things and even catching an error while we were signing closing documents. You are a housing market genius, now don't let that go to your head!!!