Monday, May 26, 2008

A Day of Firsts.

Shane has had a quite an exciting day of firsts today...

1. Walking on his own. He did this a handful of times today, where he would be standing holding onto something and then just take off walking. The last one today was quite a distance. Our little guy is a walker!

2. Standing on the dishwasher door. The dishwasher has been one of his favorite "toys" in the house for awhile now. Today Kenny was loading it and the door was down and Shane just popped right up on there and grabbed a spoon from the top rack.

3. Standing on top of his learning table. Well...not standing with his feet, but with his knees on top of the learning table. Mom and Dad watched with their mouths hanging open.

4. Eating chocolate (flour-less) cake. It turned out to not be a hit, even though I would have beat he would have liked it, but not so much. So I'm guessing he doesn't want chocolate cake for his birthday?!?

5. Drinking milk. He had a drink from his sippy cup, the 1st drink went down good, the 2nd drink he spit out. Later in the day he managed to drink it with out the spitting out part. Bring on the milk and say bye to formula (soon)!!!

1 comment:

  1. He certainly is growing up fast! I love the top-of-the-learning-table. Your life is going to get very complicated now!


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