Tuesday, May 6, 2008

He'd spend all day outside....if he could.

Shane just loves being outside. He gets really mad at us if you walk over to the slider and don't go outside or if you open it to let a dog in or out, but we don't go outside or if you come inside and he isn't done out there. He lets you know he is not happy about leaving the great outdoors. If the slider is open just for a second he comes flying over to it so he can go outside.

He'll crawl through anything....dirt, gravel, grass, rocks...you name it, it won't stop him. The other day I found him drinking from a small puddle of water. He had his whole face in it. When he came up there was gravel all around his lips. Didn't bother him.

Our neighbor Julie took these of him the other day when we were outside. He was having lots of fun opening and closing the fence gate.

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