Monday, May 19, 2008

Jessica's Life List

I've always had a "Life List" in my head....things that I want to accomplish in my lifetime. In January I started writing those things down and now have a well established list that I have actually crossed some things off already.

My Life To Do This:

*fly in a helicopter
*travel to Europe -- Italy and France for sure
*travel to New Zealand
*spend a vacation on a secluded tropical island
*take a photography class -- COMPLETED!
*take a cooking class
*foster/adopt a child
*volunteer regularly somewhere
*raise/foster a seeing eye puppy
*be a good enough photographer to volunteer for the
Lay Me Down To Sleep Organization
*get published in a scrapbooking magazine
*have a winter home in San Diego
*get a tattoo
*grow my Close To My Heart business
*go on a scrapbooking retreat -- I'm going on one in September!!
*live a healthy and green lifestyle -- I work on this one everyday!!
*own my own home
*grow a veggie garden -- I planted one yesterday!!
*go on a cruise
*have a flower cutting garden
*attend a taping of the Oprah Winfrey Show
*see a Broadway show in New York

After I started to write the things down it really was amazing how it has helped me to start to complete some of them. Who knows if all of them will get accomplished, but it won't hurt to try.


  1. Very interesting! I am happy you shared this because I truly think it is part of the process to share it with people. Not only does it prompt you to work on things but I think it inspires other people to make their own lists or at least start thinking about it. That is pretty priceless.

    So, some of this we can do together! You need to start looking for your tattoo so we can go together! And we can plan a trip to Oprah too :)

    I wish you all the luck in the world accomplishing the things on your list. You are a great friend and I am so glad we met!

  2. I LOVE the "Winter Home in San Diego" wish, that would be my wish for you, too. Though, prices are so low right now, it's a realistic goal . . .

    I really miss having you here, and I wish I could see Shane! He is such a doll, playing and walking and swimming. I love it!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!