Friday, May 2, 2008

While the Baby is Away, Mom and Dad will Play.

Shane is out-of-town for the weekend. He went to Sequim to spend some quality time with Grandma and Grandpa. We rode the ferry together Thursday after morning nap and my Mom and Dad meet us on the other side. We switched cars (since mine was all ready full of his stuff and I didn't want to take out his car seat). Then he headed over to Sequim with them. I've checked in on and off through out the last two days. He is happy as a clam! He hasn't skipped a beat. Mean while Kenny and I have been having our own fun. We hit the Fish Cafe in downtown Kirkland for a great deal on dinner during happy hour. I did loads of shopping today, and tonight we have plans to go to Redmond Town Center. Then tomorrow it is dinner and a movie. It's amazing how fast you can fall back into life before baby. Yes, we miss the little guy, but are sure enjoying some much needed free time. If Shane could talk, I think he would say the same thing! He'll be returned to us Sunday afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. I am very jealous! It is so good for everyone to do things like this. It will create some really nice memories for Shane too. Have fun and enjoy your well deserved time off!


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