Monday, August 4, 2008

Catch Up...

It's been a busy week at the Booth household. I've missed a few important events so lets get started.

July 30th was our 3rd wedding anniversary. We've been together a total of 7 years though. Three just doesn't seem like very many, but 7 sounds right.

We celebrated by having Shane spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa in Sequim. I took him over on Wednesday and hung out with everyone until Friday. It was great seeing him in a different environment. You can really tell he loves being there. One of his many adventures was eating fresh raspberries from Grandma and Grandpas bushes. He couldn't get them in fast enough. He also didn't mind the blackberries either. We got to visit Great Grandma, too. I ate very well, between homemade fish and chips and lunch and dinner out (plus a few other goodies in there)!

Friday morning I headed back home. Kenny and I played it quiet and casual with dinner out and a little bit of shopping. The best part was we actually got to browse while shopping.

Saturday we hit the ground running. We did the Underground Tour of Seattle. Fun...I'd recommend it if you are up for some Seattle history. Then we walked to the Seattle waterfront to get some yummy Ivar's Fish and Chips for lunch and in hopes of catching a glimpse of the Blue Angels who were flying for Sea Fair weekend. Then we headed up to the Pike Place Market, but it was PACKED, so we didn't stay long there. After a short rest at home we made our way to the Red Hook Brewery for a tour and dinner. The tour only was $1 and you tasted 5 different beers and took home the tasting glass. What a deal! I'd do it again, so to try 5 beers for $1. Dinner was yummy too! Then it was off to see The Dark Knight. I wasn't really excited about that part of the evening, but the movie turned out to be very entertaining and I enjoyed almost all 2.5 hours of it. (Just so you know I think all movies should only last 1.5 hours!).

Sunday morning we had yummy donuts for breakfast and took the dogs for a nice morning walk around the hood. Next we hit Bell Square Mall for an hour or so and to grab some lunch. Our big event for the day was going out on Kenny's Aunt and Uncle's boat onto Lake Washington so we could really see the Blue Angels fly. Lake Washington is the center of the show...they flew over head a large portion of the 40 minute show. It turned out to be a nice warm sunny afternoon...a great boat day. We ended the evening by taking a ferry ride over to pick up Shane. I think we all were exhausted (Kenny, Shane, Me, Grandma and Grandpa) after our weekend of fun and adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your anniversary! Beautiful photo.


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