Friday, August 29, 2008

Food Sensitivity/Allergy Test

I recently found out the results of a food sensitivity/allergy test I took. The lab uses your blood and tests it on 150 different foods to find out what your body has a reaction to. In a nutshell, this test can help you find out what foods may be making your immune system fight extra hard against. Which then makes it not as effective to fight other things like my Crohns.

Here are the foods that my blood reacted to negatively:
Chili Peppers (+1)
Eggs (+1)
Lentils (+1)
Milk, Cows (aka: Dairy!!!) (+1)
Peas (+2)
Pineapple (+1)
Radish (+1)
Yeast, Bakers (aka: baked goods, breads, anything yummy!!!) (+2)
Yeast, Brewers (aka: alcohol, lots of condiments) (+1)

Nice list, huh!!? Most of the items I can sure live without, but the dairy, eggs and yeast are going to be a challenge. The good news is that I just need to eliminate them from my diet for 6 months and then I can slowly introduce them back in to see how well my body tolerates it and then I can have them probably in small doses. Another good thing is that the rating system is from 1-4 and mine were all 1's and 2's, so it isn't as severe as it could be. If I had a 4, I pretty much wouldn't be able to eat that at all again.

Another interesting thing I learned is that your body adjusts to things over time and cycles though allergens. If I were to do this test again in 4-6 years the list could easily be totally different, or there may not be a list at all. That is why one year you may have seasonal allergies and then the next you don't. Just in case you were wondering my list of foods is considered foods I'm allergic to, but the allergen is an accumulation, not an instant kind of allergy like someone with a peanut allergy, where the onset is really fast. These allergies take months for you to see that you have a problem with them.

Wish me luck as I learn to stop eating some of my most favorite foods for the next 6 months (pizza, bread, scrambled eggs, fried eggs, egg salad, omelets, cereal with real milk, butter, sour cream, cream cheese, real yogurt.....). :(


  1. ohh goodness that is going to be a big challenge, i defiantly wish you good luck it would be so hard for me to do. At least you have a few more answers now.

  2. That's going to be hard. I will bet Ann has some good recipes for you though :) What a handy neighborhood we have!

    It's quite interesting. I would love to see how I would test.

  3. That would be so hard! I'm hoping all goes well for you though and that you start feeling better by eliminating those foods!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!