Monday, October 27, 2008

Journey To Director

As some of you already know I'm a Consultant for a scrapbooking and stamping company called Close To My Heart. I've been doing this for over 2 years as a "side gig". I joined the company in California after attending a gathering and falling in love with the products. I had scrapbooked a little here and there before attending the gathering and had really wanted to get into cardmaking at the time. Now I'd consider scrapbooking, cardmaking, altering, etc., a huge passion and hobby of mine. As well as a business that I would like to see grow.

Recently CTMH has started a 12 month program called Journey To Director. I'm currently a Manager. Your title is given by the number of "downlines" you have in your "unit". I currently have 4 downlines, but need to have 20 to become a Director. This means growing my business by leaps and bounds. Which also means having the time to do that.

The past month I've developed a new schedule that has helped me a lot to focus on my goals of growing my CTMH business. I still haven't found quite enough time in my schedule that I need, but with time I think it will come (as Shane gets older).

Mondays and Wednesdays (during nap time and evenings) -- I work on CTMH business
Tuesdays and Thursdays (during nap time and evenings) -- I work on house work
Fridays (in the evenings) -- Date Night for Kenny and I
Saturdays and Sundays -- Family Time, CTMH Time and Personal Time

CTMH has lots of great perks as a consultant. One of them is each year you can earn an incentive trip/cruise. The next one is in 2010. I would LOVE to earn this cruise for Kenny and I. It will require a lot of hard work and time, but it's a goal I'd love to achieve.

How can you help me out?? If you know of someone interested in scrapbooking, cardmaking, or stamping I'd love to let them know what CTMH has to offer. If you yourself are interested, then I'd love to book a Home Gathering for you where you can earn some FREE products from CTMH. I'll also take any support, positive thoughts and prayers, too as I work along this Journey To Director.

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!