Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pumpkin Patch '08

We took Shane to the pumpkin patch today. It was his 2nd time to a pumpkin patch, but he wasn't doing much last year when we took him besides sleeping. We went to one out in Snohomish called Craven. Last year we went to The Farm. I thought it was going to be really busy, but it turned out to be a small low key crowd. We visited the petting zoo which made up of some birds, caged kittens, caged bunnies and a large fake donkey and sheep. He was really scared of the two stuffed animals and loved the birds.

We then grabbed a wagon and headed out to the pumpkin patch where we discovered Shane was scared of the pumpkins. Yes....he was scared of the plant part of the pumpkin and not so sure about the pumpkins themselves. He was much happier just riding in the wagon. He warmed up to the patch idea a little bit and we all got ourselves some pumpkins to take home.

Finally, we spent some time wondering the farm checking out the tractor (a HUGE hit), hiding in the pirate ship and sitting in a boat.

Shane at the pumpkin patch last year. it even the same kid?!

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