Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holiday Party

We survived Kenny's work Holiday Bowling Party yesterday evening. I can't say it was much of a fun or relaxing experience for myself, but Shane seemed to enjoy the new environment. He loved the air blower where the bowling balls sit. That kept him happy for a long time. Then we moved onto games. We were given tons of tokens to use. There was a digger game that grabbed up candy and gave that as a prize. We also got tickets, so he loved seeing those come out of the game. There was also a dump truck game which gave him great pleasure.

I wanted to share a couple things Shane has done this week. As a Mom they are cute to me and probably not that exciting to any one else. But I'll share anyways.

--At MOPS this week when I went to pick him up one of the ladies in the room told me this. She said that they opened one of the gates up and he kept going over and shutting it. Finally she told him it was okay to keep the gate open and that solved the problem. He left it alone after that. I told her that was very typical Shane. He must shut all things that are "suppose" to be shut.

--At the Holiday party he had a thing of candy in his hands. A little boy walked by and he tried to give it to him. The little boy didn't notice. But it was super cute on Shane's part. Then later in the evening he had a cookie. A little girl walked by and Shane followed behind her trying to give her his cookie. Again she didn't see him doing it, but for some reason he really likes to share.

--This week he decided that spitting on the window sill was a lot of fun. Finally I told him he needed to clean it up. We went and got a wash cloth from his "laundry center" in his kitchen and wiped it up. The next day he again was spitting on the window sill. I was doing something so I just let him do it. He was happy. I then watched him walk over and get a wash cloth from his kitchen, walk back to the window sill, wipe it up and then go back to his kitchen and put the wash cloth away. A quick learner and silly little guy he is!

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