Sunday, December 28, 2008

The trip to Reno....

We headed for Reno on Monday. That day has now become one of my top 5 worst days of my life. What an experience it was to get to Reno. Here is a little run down of what happened.

We knew the trip to the airport was going to be rough with all the snow. Kenny got the dogs to the kennel with no issues. He did put chains on his car before he headed out though. He would have never gotten there with out them. When he returned we hopped in the car for a long drive to the airport. The roads weren't to bad, but the chains helped quite a bit. Parking the car and the shuttle ride was uneventful. Besides the fact that we could have used more arms with all the bags we had.

When we entered into the airport there were people EVERY WHERE. Lines were a mile long. We headed to the baggage check line, which was wrapped around and around the airport. It took about 30 minutes to get to the counter and check our bags. All while trying to keep our wiggly little toddler happy and keep the tons of baggage we had moving every two feet. Next we headed to security. Not too bad there.

We get all gathered back up and head to our gate. We briefly glance at the arrival/departure board....ah, what...our flight has been canceled!!??!? Yep, minutes after getting through security it was canceled. We drag ourselves to a couple lines before getting in the right one to figure out what we do next. Our options are stand-by or stand-by. We choose to fly stand-by to Reno at 3:45 (that gave us 5 hours to kill in the airport) and stand-by to Sacramento at 4:25. You ask, why Sacramento? Kenny's sister lives there and it is only 2.5 hours from Reno. His parents could pick us up there and we'd all arrive in Reno safe and sound by Tuesday.

We slowly watched time go by as we hung out in the airport. And also saw flight after flight get canceled. It was a zoo in there. Time comes for the Reno flight that we were on stand-by's delayed. Now the Sacramento flight and Reno flight are going to be taking off at the same time. Kenny heads to the Sacramento gate and Shane and I stay at the Reno gate to see which one we get called on first or at all. It's Sacramento. Shane and I sprint to that gate and are the last ones to board. For various reasons we ended up sitting on the plane for 1.5 hours before it even takes off! Here comes the low of all lows. Shane has the biggest and worst poop of his life! He was covered from head to toe literally with poop. And we had no extra clothes for him. He ended up flying in a shirt, diaper and shoes. This all happened while we were just sitting on the plane. We finally take off and arrive in Sacramento at 8:30pm. Twelve hours after we had left our house that morning.

For the situation, Shane did extremely well. Kenny and I held up pretty good, too. We were very happy to be able to get a flight out of Seattle. And to arrive safely at his sisters house. We got to Reno Tuesday afternoon. Exactly 24 hours after we were suppose to. What a couple of days!


  1. OMG!!! That sounds awful! Its amazing that y'all did so well. I worked for the airlines for 5 years and I used to fly standby all the time (actually still husband works for US air) But killing all that time in an airport is so boring! Poor Shane! What at trooper! I bet you were sooo happy to finally get there!

  2. Oh man! That sucks!

    After flying from Louisville to Seattle with all three kids in June of 07, I vowed to never do it again.


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