Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dahlia and Shane

Three times a week Shane and I go over to Dahlia's house and hangout in the afternoons. It is a great set-up for all involved. Dahlia is 3 months older then Shane. As time has gone on over the 3 months we have been doing this, I think they have really developed a "toddler friendship". We've taught Dahlia some of the songs we sing at Toddler Group and they love doing Ring Around the Rosie together. Super cute!! If you are in a room with Shane and Ring Around the Rosie is being done, he insists that ALL join in.

Last week they had what I would consider their first real play interaction. Shane was playing in the little kitchen and Dahlia was on the coach watching him. Shane walked over and handed her a cup. Dahlia asked for a drink. Shane then went to the kitchen got a container and came back over and filled her cup up. Dahlia then drank the "drink" and asked for more. Shane filled it back up. This went on for a good few minutes. It was really great to watch.

Dahlia has a great vocabulary. Shane is great at grunting out conversations with you. The last couple of days Dahlia has been copying him when he does his point and grunt routine. They crack me up! Hopefully all of D's great words will rub off on Shane soon.

Here are a few pictures of the two buddies.

Snack Time.

Hanging out with their blankets.

D's lunch time....yummy!

Shane and Muppet.


  1. Cute pics! Dahlia is doing her "fake smile" in the photos with squinty eyes.
    The top pic is really funny! They look like a couple tough toddlers in the Sippy Cup Club, especially with D's nose still healing.
    -Dahlia's Mom

  2. I'm so glad that those two have finaly gotten their friendship moving along. Good deal for all involved !!!


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