Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fix It Weekend

It seems that Kenny and I were repair people this weekend. First, our two year old TV broke. We weren't so happy about that. Kenny did some research online and figured out we could probably fix it ourselves for less then $30 or have a tv repair person fix it for $500+. So we set off to do it ourselves. Two trips to Radio Shack, a few ups and downs, a visit from a repair person (free thankfully) and two days later it was fixed!!! The tv is back and I got my fill of Greys and Private Practice last night.

Secondly, my car wouldn't start this morning. We had the dogs and Shane all loaded into the car ready to head out to the dog park this morning and nothing. The battery was dead. We had some jumper cables and managed to get ourselves back out the door about 20 minutes later. I think we'll be looking into a new battery for my car soon.

Two possible large disasters averted!

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