Friday, March 6, 2009

Potty Training Day #1 and #2

With schedules falling into place, I decided to start potty training Shane this week. I cleared FIVE fun days at home in order to try and take on this task. To prepare for this event I showed Shane his big boy underpants and talked a lot about going potty in the potty. I taught him the sign for potty and read a few books. Thursday we woke up and took the diaper off and put the big boy underpants on. Then I handed him some milk and said have at it. About an hour later he was wet. I took him to the bathroom and he sat on his little potty chair and then on the seat insert on the big toilet. To sum up Thursday...there was a lot of accidents. At the end of the day he dribbled into the big toilet on Dad's watch. Pretty much what I had expected for the first day.

Today (day #2) brought along some successes....thank goodness, because I was about ready to call it quit this morning. He went potty a handful of times in the potty chair and even managed to get a couple poops in there, too. There were still a few accidents. Only once out of all the trips to the bathroom did he sign to me that he needed to go. But I feel like progress has been made.

We'll see what day #3 has in store for us. Hopefully, more of him telling us he needs to go and less of me asking every 30 minutes......

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!