Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Another fun day!

This morning Shane, Dahlia and I visited the Kids Quest Museum. They have an area for birth to three year olds. Plus, a water area, the front of a semi-truck, a music area and a science area. They had so much fun. I must say the water area was the hit of the day. I loved watching them try to figure things out. You could really see them problem solve together. They were soaked through by the time we left.

On a side note...I got part of my garden planted this afternoon. A big thanks to Betsy for the starts. I have 4 lettuce plants, 3 red lettuce plants and 3 spinach plants. I planted my little container garden to the max. I'm going to have to expand this year to more then one container. I still need to get a tomato plant and I really want to try carrots. How fun would it be to watch Shane pull a carrot out of the ground for the first time!!!

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