Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Video of Shane

This first video is Shane acting out a book called Swing. One night he had asked for Kenny to act out the book. After that night he wanted to get into the action and now can do it all on his own. He motions have gotten even better since this taping. We do it EVERY night now.

This may be considered mean parenting on our part. For a week or so, Shane had been asking to read a book called Albert and Amy. It is all about opposites. The last page says "Albert is sad." and "Amy is happy." One night while reading it, Shane burst into tears when I said "Albert is sad.". I thought he had hurt himself. After he was calmed down, I read "Albert is sad." again. More crying. I quickly figured out he crying was for Albert. Kenny grabbed the video camera and I read it one more time so we could catch it on tape.


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