Monday, June 8, 2009

2nd birthday train ride!

We decided to take Shane on his first train ride for his 2nd birthday. We headed up to the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie, WA. My parents joined us since luckily the Hood Canal Bridge opened early. All week long Shane had been signing to us about the train and Grandma and Grandpa coming to go with us. He was truly, truly excited about it. It was a 70 minute long ride to North Bend, then through Snoqualmie on our way out to Snoqualmie Falls and then back to the station. Seeing the Falls from above it in the train was insane. It was a great little adventure for all!

Grandpa, Grandma, Kenny and Shane

The Conductor taking tickets.

Shane signing train....which he did about a thousand times on the ride. Every time the whistle would blow he would jump and sign train.

It was hard to catch his expressions with the camera, but he was so wide eyed and excited about everything.

More train signing.

This is the top of Snoqualmie Falls.

The Snoqualmie Lodge and looking down at the river.

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