Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Weekend.

We had a nice Father's Day weekend around here, even if the weather decided to rain. Saturday morning Kenny decided we should go check out some garage sales. I had stopped at one Friday morning and had scored a few things for Shane (2 shirts, a box full of little metal tools, stuff for his kitchen and crocs...all for $5). He was inspired by my finds. Our garage sale adventures didn't start out so well, but Kenny was determined to end it with a success. At our 5th or 6th stop, we scored. We found two big bins of Lego Duplos, a bin of Lincoln Logs, a bag full of kid sized metal silverware, a few items for his kitchen, and a bath toy....all for $11!!! We also got him a little baseball glove for a $1 before this. Shane kept asking to go to more. He was having a great time checking all the stuff out. It was a fun little family adventure on a gray Saturday morning.

Saturday night we went to a surprise birthday party for one of Kenny's coworkers. We had some yummy food, and Shane loved swinging and dancing to the 70's band. He even got to stay up past his bed time.

Sunday morning around 2:30am, Shane woke us up with some ear piercing screams. He had a fever of 102.3 and wasn't feeling good. We got him calmed down and back to bed with some Motrin in him. He woke up with a lower fever, but not totally full of energy.

Kenny got Mariner baseball tickets for his birthday in April and it so happened that the first game was on Father's Day, too. This afternoon after Shane got a short nap in, we headed to the baseball game. It was Shane's 2nd time to a game, but he truly understood what was going on this year. He loved watching the plays and all the people. But by the bottom of the 7th inning he was ready to head home. You can tell in the pictures he wasn't feel his 100% self.

On the ride home...his new favorite position in his car seat.

Hope you had a fun Father's Day weekend, too!

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