Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Shane at Two.

Shane at two...

He wakes up happy. He may not stay happy for long, but those first few minutes of the morning are the best. Even better when it lasts a whole hour.

His attention span is getting better and better every day. He'll go off and play in his kitchen or build a tower or play with his trains. It is so fun to watch him make believe and play on his own.

He LOVES being outside. Any time spent outside is a good time. And if outside time can include water play, then it is even better. Throw in a little time with some dirt and you have a perfect afternoon.

He really is enjoying books now. He'll sit and listen to you read books for as long as you can sit and read to him. He has even asked to check them out of the library the past two weeks. I really really love this! Getting new books to read to him and have him listen is so much fun.

Dancing is another favorite past time of his. Currently his music of choice is Rancid. Some influence from his Dad there. He likes it loud and heavy. No baby music here!

He loves talking on the phone. Pretend or real. It is so funny to watch him talk on a pretend phone. He waves hi and tells some story and then waves good-bye.

He has about 60 signs he uses and about 12 words. He seems to be a little slow on the word side of things, but none the less, he is communicating all day long. At lunch today he was being silly by using a whole bunch of signs thrown together. It didn't make any sense and he knew that and thought he was really funny.

He loves his Daddy. All day long I hear "Daddy, Daddy, Dada, Daddy, Dada". In the car, in his crib, while he is playing.....

He has the craziest hair in the world! Little by little it is getting better at laying down. But after he wakes up from a out hair.

Getting a hug or kiss unexpected from him is the best thing in the world.


  1. Ahh, Jessica. They grow up so fast! Before you know it he'll be in Kindergarten! It's fun reading your blog and seeing how he grows. You're such a good mom!

  2. I LOVE the video !!!!!!!his make believe is SO fun to watch......You ARE a GREAT MOM...


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