Sunday, July 26, 2009

Anniversary Weekend

Kenny and I had a relaxing pre-anniversary weekend. Shane went to Sequim to hang with Grandma and Grandpa while Kenny and I celebrated our anniversary a few days early.

Friday night we ate at the best burger place around: Teddy's Burgers in Woodinville. Then enjoyed the warm weather in downtown Kirkland.

Saturday morning we took the dogs on a hike at Tiger Mountain. We ended up going about twice as long as planned and wore all 4 of us out completely. We spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around and watching Reign on Me. A serious movie with Adam Sandler. Not bad, I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars. Later that evening I enjoyed some time with the girls at craft club (stay tuned for pictures of my finished project). Kenny went for a 2 hour and 45 minute run....crazy! He is training for a marathon at the end of August.

Sunday morning we got up and went on an Argossy Locks Tour. We really liked it. We learned a lot more about the area, the weather was perfect and we were early enough to miss most of the crazy tourists. We had lunch at Steamers and chips of course. Then back to the house to hide out from the heat wave. Well we washed the cars in an attempt to stay a little cooler. We also watched the movie Juno. I'd give it a 3 out of 5 stars also.

Seattle sky line as we headed back to the dock. The sky was a little hazy and I was having a terrible time with my camera. I had to get the guys red hat in the picture to get it to take. I need to crop that out, but oh well.

Waiting to go throw the locks.

Now on our way out of the locks. Can you see on the side how much the water dropped? That was really cool to go through.

I thought his line of tug boats was super cute.

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