Friday, July 17, 2009

Close To My Heart Blog Candy Winner!

Congratulations, Tia! You are the lucky winner!

Welcome to my 2nd Blog Candy! One lucky winning will win the following from the above picture:

  • Chocolate Ribbon Round
  • 2 sanding sheets
  • 1 sanding block
  • 1 sanding file

CTMH ribbon is super versatile and fun to use. If you've never tried sanding your artwork before, you must give it a try. Distressing using sand paper adds a whole other look to your projects.

All you have to do to be entered into this blog candy is leave a comment about your favorite memory from this summer so far. I'll be posting a winner on Thursday, July 23rd.


  1. Well shoot, you know how I love to distress. My favorite summer moment so far would have to be...watching the kids play out side in the pool with their friends they are so funny. When is shane going to come play with Veraty?


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!