Sunday, July 12, 2009

Grass Lawn Park, Redmond

This morning we went to check out Grass Lawn Park in Redmond. I'm amazed by how many beautiful community parks we have at our fingers tips. I would be even happier if we had one with in walking distance of our house. Some day I hope. The best feature of this park was the kid water fountain. As you can see in the pictures, Shane loved it!

Hmmm...what is this whole thing about???

Oh!!! Water comes out! How cool!!!

Is it coming after me???

If I stick my finger in it will the water still come out??

I was working with my little pocket camera, so I was at a disadvantage capturing the pictures I really wanted to get. I hope to head back this summer and really get some good action water shots!


  1. kids and water...can't keep them apart...

  2. We went to that park last summer after it was redone and the kids loved the huge swings!


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