Kenny and Shane swimming in the pool. It was Shane's first time wearing arm floats and he did really well. He certainly didn't want to get out.
Shane and I enjoying a snack and the wonderful view.
Shane in his life jacket before we get on the waverunner.
The whole family getting ready for a ride on the waverunner. Last time I was on that thing there wasn't a Shane. Funny to think about that. Shane loved it, except when Kenny went a little too fast. He told me it was cold and windy.
A boat ride after dinner. It is so much fun to check out the fabulous houses.
It took Shane a little while to warm up to the boat idea. I don't think he was scared, just taking in all the happens.
Brooke and Shane down in the cabin of the boat, looking out the little window. Shane had differently warmed up to the boat thing at this point.
Anna, Owen and Brooke hanging out at the end of the boat.
After dessert, we headed back home to check on the dogs. Fireworks are legal in our neighborhood, so we needed to get Sadie crated and Shane in bed. It was already 9:30 by that point and Shane was doing so good, we decided to take a walk around the 'hood and check out all the firework "shows". It was like World War III here!!! It went on until about 1am. Shane did great with the fireworks and loved seeing them. The middle of our walk he started to really zone out. We asked him if he wanted to watch more fireworks or got to bed. He said bed. When we got him in his bed, he CRASHED! We all had a great day and Shane did wonderful!
Shane even invented his own sign for fireworks. Last night he kept doing this sign over and over, finally I figured out he was signing fireworks, all made up on his own.
Great pics! Though I have to say...a waverunner is no safer than a raft :) Just sayin'.....