Monday, August 24, 2009

18-page Scrapbooking Workshop

Saturday, October 10th 6:30-9:30
Do you have tons of fun summer pictures just sitting on your memory waiting to be put onto a scrapbook page? Or did you go on a fun vacation recently and want to remember all those great memories? Maybe you feel “far behind” in your scrapbooking and just don’t know where to start again? I have the solution for you. This 18 page scrapbooking workshop will solve all those problems and more. I used my pages to showcase all the fun summer events we have done this year. You can use the pages as individual events, like I did, or use the pages for one overall event.
You pick out any Close To My Heart Level 2 paper packet. I’ll cut up all the pieces you’ll need. Then you get to put them together with my help during the workshop, add pictures, any titles, journaling and embellishments you would like to your pages.

Workshop includes:
Level 2 Paper Packet, Cardstock Packet of 24 sheets, Stickease (optional)
Cost: $27 (with optional Stickease $33) That is a whooping $1.50 per page!

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