Saturday, August 1, 2009

How do you beat a heat wave? Go to Sequim!!

Shane and I spent last week in Sequim. It just so turned out that we got to spend the hottest time of the year so far hanging out in the cooler temperatures of Sequim. We missed 90 degree nights in our house! Along with missing the heat wave here in the Seattle area we also had lots of fun outside hanging out.

First time for Grandma, Grandpa and Shane at the Olympic Game Farm. It is one of those tourist things people do when they are in the area. On the entertaining side, but sad for some of the animals. I hear they are in the midst of rebuilding it.

Petting zoo at the Game Farm. Shane loved it. He certainly didn't want to leave.

Feeding an Elk some bread. This guy was just a baby. There are some in the herd with huge horns and tower over the car. Normally you get to feed the buffalo too, but they were being sorta rude that week (the buffalo) and denting people's cars. Luckily the buffalo kept to themselves when we were there.
This bear was doing tricks for his bread. I'm not kidding...the bears do tricks for bread. Quite a sight. Always my favorite part of the tour.
Watching the bears in amazement.

A Yak asking for some bread. Here ya go buddy!

We took Shane out on Grandma and Grandpa's little crabbing boat. Just around the bay. He seemed to enjoy it, especially the bumpy ride back in. You wouldn't believe by looking at these pictures it was in the middle of a heat wave in Seattle. The plus to being in Sequim.

This was Shane and Grandma's first trip to the Dungeness Spit. Another fun thing to do when you visit Sequim. It is a little walk down to the water, where again it was about 60 degrees out. He had fun watching the big waves, and playing with all the sticks, rocks and sand.

We also spent a lot of time outside hanging out in Grandma and Grandpa's yard. Here Shane is enjoying Papa's Berries.

The pool set up. This beach is conveniently located right across the street from my parent's house. There tends to be a lot of seaweed, but Shane didn't seem to mind.

Another beach visit down the street to Cline Spit. Shane loved watching all the boaters come in and out checking their crab pots.

All in all, a fun and cool trip to Sequim.

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