Friday, August 21, 2009

This Week in the Life of Shane.

Another fun summer week for Shane and I. I must say though, yesterday I was ready to pull out my hair. Shane just didn't seem to be happy doing anything, oh, except watching cartoons. Which I put an end to after an hour of TV time. I really needed to get my creative Mommy hat on and figure how to entertain him. I walked into the laundry room where I have a stash of "emergency fun items". The shaving cream jumped right out at me. I grabbed it and took it outside to spray all over Shane's car and trike, so he could "paint". Then we added water so he could clean it off. Whew....I had a happy toddler on my hands for at least a few minutes!!

Check out his tongue. He started doing this a month ago. When ever he is working on something, like coloring or painting, even today when he was climbing stairs, he sticks his tongue out and moves it side to side. I asked him why he does it and he just shrugged his shoulders.
I found him sitting here singing songs to himself.
This morning we went to an open house at a place called Great Play in Redmond. It is "a unique new gym for kids." Shane had so much fun running around, climbing, chasing after Buddy the mascot on the walls, singing, dancing, jumping, swinging and sliding. It was a full hour of motor skill enjoyment. He didn't want to leave, which is really unusual for him. Normally 45 minutes into something he is ready to go home. I would totally recommend it. They have a few other locations in the states.

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