Sunday, August 16, 2009

Trip to the Zoo.

We took Shane to the Woodland Park Zoo this morning. It had been quite awhile since he had been to the zoo. It was so much fun watching him be excited about the animals. We saw some really cool things today, too! Our first stop was the Gorillas. Man, are they so cool and so human like. He kept giggling at them. Next we got to see a Jaguar super close up. She was just laying there watching all of us. So beautiful.

Then we saw two bears sleeping. In this picture he is signing his version of bear.
The orangutans were having an morning snack.
We visited the Giraffes where we watched this guy pee for at least 3 minutes. I'm totally not kidding, seriously for 3 minutes. Kenny and I were really impressed.
Our last stop took us to the Lions. Where we watched this beautiful guy get to hot in the sun and decided to get up and move to the shade just feet away from us. He totally reminded us of Sadie when she is sunbathing and gets to hot.

And of course, Shane's favorite exhibit the traitor. Can't forget to have a ride on that!

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