Friday, August 14, 2009

Week In Review.

It's been a quiet week around our house. Shane and I had this week off from work, so we hung out and tired to get a few fun things in. We also had some friends stay the night with us Wednesday. Jason was a college roommate of Kenny's. It was great seeing them. They now live in New Zealand, so it may be awhile before we'll be able to visit again.

Shane and I went to South 47 Farm yesterday. They have a great toddler program that has a different theme every week. He got to go on a hay ride, visit with some animals, make a sunflower necklace and pick two sunflowers.

Shane got his hair cut this week. I would have never guess how hard it has been to find someone who can cut it right and listen to what I ask them to do. He came out of it with close to 2 inches off, when I asked for barely 1/2 of an inch. Guess it will just have to grow back.

I've been working on a few projects, all of which haven't been completed. I hope to bring some of them to a close this weekend. Stay tuned for pictures.

1 comment:

  1. What did they do to his hair???? is the front uneven or is it just laying off to the side???? But you are RIGHT...It will grow!!!


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