Sunday, September 27, 2009

Garage Sale Adventures

The past two weekends we've had some fun garage sale adventures.  Shane and I have hit some on Fridays together lately if we are out running errands and see something exciting.  Last weekend we scored a $5 slide that you can use with a hose and make into a water slide. And a big box of large house Christmas lights for $5.  Then sometimes on Saturdays Kenny will join the fun if we are out and about and see something of interest.  We stopped at one on our way home and found Shane a Leap Pad and 5 books.  He just loves it.  Along with a travel Lite Bright and Etch-A-Sketch for a sum total of $9.50!!  This weekend we found Dodger some nice yellow tennis balls 2 for .25 cents.  My big score was 8 harvest colored place mats and matching table runner, brand new, from Crate and Barrel for $10!

I just love the adventure of trying to find a treasure in the midst of all the stuff.

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