Sunday, September 6, 2009

Reptile Zoo

Kenny and Shane visited the Reptile Zoo in Monroe today. I decided I would sit out this visit. Reptiles just aren't my favorite type of animal. Kenny said it was fun, a cheap quick hour of entertainment. Sounds like the place could use a little over haul though.

The highlight of course was Shane holding an orange (colors are big in our house right now) snake. He started out pretty hesitant but still did it. What a brave little guy!
This is the 200lb anaconda. Kenny said the picture doesn't do him justice at all. His middle was bigger then Kenny's waste.
They also have a two headed turtle and an albino alligator.


  1. Ack. I would sit it out too.
    I am actually very, VERY surprised that Shane held the snake. Wow!

    My kids are very interested in all things albino these days. Ellie asks me to pull up the "obino animals" on the computer. I have to admit it is quite cool to see some of them, like an albino peacock.

  2. I think I might sit that one out too! That anaconda is just scary!

  3. yuck !!!! how brave you are little man....I guess you would have a lot of company sitting that adventure out !!!


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