Sunday, October 4, 2009

Milk Addict

Yes, I have a Milk Addict in my family, actually I have two! Can you guess who they are?? Yep, you got it....Shane and Kenny both have major milk addictions.  Who knew that a love for milk could be past down in the genes?! The past couple weeks Shane's love has hit an all time high.  He was drinking and asking for it more then ever.  One day in the car I realized life with a 2-year had gone down hill fast! He was whining, complaining, not sleeping, not eating and being an overall out of control toddler.  Life with him was just not fun.  I vaguely recalled there being a time when he wasn't this bad....was it just a phase or were we doing something wrong?  This is when the evaluation began and the answer I seemed to come upon was just to much milk.  He wasn't eating because all he wanted to do was drink milk.  Then since he would still be hungry he was crabby, whiny and grouchy.  And just plain tired from waking up hungry, but still not wanting to eat.

Mean old Mom stepped in and went back to what the original milk limit use to be: 3 cups of milk a day.  The first thing Shane use to do when he woke up was drink milk, of course. Then he never wanted to eat breakfast.  This new plan requires he eat breakfast and then gets milk. Which then leads into 30 minutes of Sesame Street.  No breakfast equals no milk which equals no TV.  The first morning went fabulously! He was like a new kid.  Devoured his "mmmmm yum yum" "fried egg bread surprise", got milk and watched cartoons.  And he was one pleasant kid to be around.

Step 2 was lunch. Again lunch needed to be eaten before milk...which then leads to books and nap time.  My favorite part of the day! Another huge success.

Finally we ended the day with dinner and then milk and 30 minutes of  "ABC's" on DVD.  I couldn't believe how much this kid was actually eating.  Not to mention drinking juice and water happily.  He transitioned into the new routine like a pro.  No questions asked. Trust me, he still whines and acts like a 2-year old, but so much less then before.  My milk addict has found room for food in his life and it is making our lives a lot happier.

Now I just have to figure out how to get Shane to stop picking his lip, finger and toe nails.  Another trait he inherited from his Dad.  


  1. No phase lasts forever, right? xoxo

  2. Trevor would drink more milk too if I let him. But then he doesn't want to eat his meals!
    Glad to hear Shane is eating again!

  3. I wonder if this is what is going on with Naomi. She drinks a lot of milk and has been in a total food slump lately. She gets super grouchy when she doesn't eat any food and we have been dealing with MAJOR tantrums lately, not fun at all. I might have to give this a try!!


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