Sunday, October 18, 2009

Video Montage

Trying to remember to take videos of Shane is super hard for me. I grab my camera all the time, but I've found as soon as I turn on the video camera he instantly stops doing whatever he was doing. Here are some recent videos of the little guy. I've been trying to capture his speech development.

This first video was taken in September while we were reading books before bed. Of course, the moment Kenny showed up he stopped reading it the way he was. I still haven't figured out why he calls "A, B, C's", "A, E, O's", but he does and no matter what we say he still says it that way.

This second video was taken about exactly a month later on October 16th. He has received a couple Halloween cards in the mail. When ever he would open them he would "read" them to me. This particular card threw him off a little bit since there was a little special something that fell out of it.

Finally, just a little taste of what evenings are like at our house. You can see in the bottom corner of the screen the Tunnel. Which Kenny would like to write a book about: 100 Ways to Use a Tunnel. I think it is true, he is pretty darn close to 100 ways of using that thing! Shane loves every single one of them, too.

1 comment:

  1. I just love his reading! Definitely making progress from "A O A O A O"!

    The kids loved watching these videos too.

    I want Kenny to swing me in a blanket too! That looks fun.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!