Thursday, November 12, 2009

CTMH Regional Convention Contests

Last weekend at the Close To My Heart Convention that I went to, I entered the card contest and layout contest. My card made it in the top 5 which (narrowed down by CTMH Corporate Staff) and then was voted by fellow consultants for the winning card. I didn't win, but felt honored to be in the top 5. Thanks to everyone for voting and helping me decide which card to enter.

The layout I entered didn't make it into top 5, but I was really happy with the end result. I spent a lot of time working on it. Way more then I normally do, but it felt good to take the extra effort and be proud to enter it into the contest.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That really is a great accomplishment Jessica. I love the card too.

    The layout, I especially love the rudolph ;)

    You are very talented!


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