Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fake Thanksgiving

This weekend we had an early or also known as "Fake Thanksgiving" on Saturday. We'll be celebrating "real" Thanksgiving with Kenny's family this year in Reno. So in order to have some time with my family we all got together early for a yummy Thanksgiving dinner. I caught myself thinking many times that it was Thursday or that everyone else was at home having Thanksgiving, too. Shane had lots of fun hanging out with Mema, Papa, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Becky.

Mema, Becky and myself even got to head to Craft Club Saturday night for some a super cute glass block, vinyl and etching project. Craft Club has its very own blog now! Visit it here.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun!! I'm jealous of your two Thanksgivings, Yum :) Say hi to everyone in Reno!


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