Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's Been Quite a Week!

It all started last Wednesday with a very well scheduled and prepared for minor out-patient surgery for myself. I was to have what appeared to be a small mass removed from my abdominal wall. I had planned, planned some more and prepared to be out of commission from Wednesday to Sunday. I came home after surgery feeling quite well and even went to bed that night telling Kenny I felt so surprisingly good, I was nervous for the other shoe to drop. I woke up ready to rest up and heal fast. Thursday evening the shoe fell from the sky. I started throwing up and was just not right, but thought I was having an issue with the pain medicine, so I headed to bed to let it wear itself off. Friday morning I was worse off. A trip to the ER it was. I was hydrated and given nauseous medicine and felt slightly better when we left. Saturday morning we were back in the ER, I wasn't able to keep any thing down. This time ready to really figure out what was going on. Doctor #3 figured it out....a Crohns flair/blockage. Upstairs I went for a two night stay in the hospital. This was NOT part of the surgery recovery plan!! But the flair/blockage was taken care of and I was released Monday morning. I'm feeling better, just trying to gain more energy back, get more sleep in and catch up on all those little things that quickly pile up when Mommy is out of commission for a week.

On a surgery note, the small mass ended up being endometriosis tissue. Something at this point has stumped every doctor I've seen, no clue why or how it got where it got, but it did.

Shane spent most of this time in Sequim with Grandma and Grandpa, having no clue what was going on, not even realizing that Halloween had come and gone. We made it up to him this evening, with a little trick-or-treating to some neighborhood friends. The little purple Dinosaur/Dragon had a blast, Halloween night or not!

A huge thanks to all our friends and family, who have stepped in to make this week a WHOLE lot easier with meals, support, well wishes and Shane time!!


  1. I was SO bummed when we got home and I realized Shane had been here trick or treating!

    Glad you are on the mend, Jess.

  2. He was a cute little dragon!!


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