Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jessica Sprague's Online Class

Late October I signed up for a FREE online class by Jessica Sprague. I've always wanted to take an online class, but just wasn't sure with the cost and time needed for it. But when I found something free, I thought heck, why not! The class is called Holidays In Hand. So far we've been working on gathering our thoughts, values and goals for our Holidays. Honestly I'm not even 100% sure what our end goal is, but I'm loving the daily assignments. I'm pretty sure we'll have a completed album when we are done, but I'm liking just taking it one day at a time and enjoying the process right now. It's a good feeling to get a chance to have someone help you walk through documenting this wonderful and special time of year!

Here are my thoughts from our first assignment about my Holiday Values/Goals:
--To remember and be thankful for what we have.
--To remember and celebrate why we have CHRISTmas.
--Creating traditions for Shane to have, enjoy and remember as he grows up.
--To give to others in order to make this time of year special for them as well.

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!