Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Weekend

We spent Christmas this year in Sequim with my family. I don't know if Shane got the concept of Christmas 100%, but he did become very fond of Santa, Rudolph and Frosty. He was super excited to go to Mema and Papa's house which was pretty much good enough for him, but on top of that he got to open up surprises. What more could a 2.5 year old ask for.

Outside with Daddy sprinkling Reindeer dust. A mixture of oatmeal, sugar and sprinkles. Shane was super excited to feed Rudolph. At one point though we were concerned he thought he was actually going to get to see the little guy in person. Luckily, we got that issue cleared up with out many tears.

Watching the train under the Christmas tree. A favorite past time.

Leaving cookies for Santa. The first thing Shane asked about when he woke up was if Santa ate his cookies. He was super concerned that Santa left a little bit of milk and some crumbs of the cookies behind.

Opening his present from Santa. It was a train, just like he asked Santa for.

Having a little rest in his new sleeping bag from Mema and Papa.

Sitting in his truck that he got from Mema and Papa. He calls it Tonka.

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