Friday, December 11, 2009

It's Official....

....we are House Hunters! We have recently gotten all of our ducks in a row, per say, and when we find our "dream house", we are ready to buy. It's been a long time of waiting, watching and being patience, but I'm so excited to say the time has finally arrived. No more renting (yes, I know there are upsides to that). I can finally paint walls and not have to pack or unpack boxes for what I hope to be a really really long time.

I know the process that is ahead of us may be really challenging, long and daunting. When you've waited as long as we have to buy a house you tend to possibly be a bit more picky. At this point we are willing to wait for the right house, in the right location, and for the right price.

Do wish us luck and that sooner then later we find ourselves a house that fits the bill.

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!