Monday, January 4, 2010

Bald Eagle

On Christmas Eve while my Dad was out taking a walk, he spotted a young Bald Eagle (we know he is young because he doesn't have a white head yet) laying in the grass next to the road. After he got back home he called the local wild life authorities in the area so they could be aware of it. Since they are a species of importance and also that their feathers are very value to Native American tribes. After the call was made we all went down so that we could have a closer look at such an amazing animal.

It appears that the big guy flew right into the power line, cracking his wing right in half and giving himself quite the jolt. His claws were black from being "fried". He didn't make it through this experience. When my Dad found him he was dead and the wild life people came to pick him up.

You don't usually get a chance to see such an impressive animal up close, I wanted to share the pictures I took.


  1. what happened to the eagle-did he die or did they come out and try to help him?

  2. Karen, He was dead when my Dad found him. The trauma from the power line probably killed him instantly.

  3. Well at least he didn't have to lay there and suffer.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!