Sunday, January 10, 2010

Potty Power!

Right before nap time on Friday, Shane decided he didn't want to wear a diaper and wanted to wear underwear to bed. I thought, "uh-oh", this can't end good, but went with it. Shane ended up with no nap on Friday, but we did end up going with it and have been potty training all weekend long. I can't say that I was planning on doing this quite yet, but Shane decided he was ready, so we figured we better be ready, too!

I've been super impressed with his potty training so far. He had zero accidents on Friday (1/2 day of training), 3 accidents on Saturday, and 1 accident on Sunday. He even has managed to go #2 in the potty. And woke up completely dry from nap today, as well. We've tried hard not to ask him if he has to go, instead trying to let him figure out when he needs to. He has done a great job announcing "pee" and running to the bathroom on his own. We even did a few errands this weekend. The potty rode in the back of the SUV and we had him pee in it before heading into a store. No accidents out in public, as of yet.

There have been a couple times I just wanted to throw the diaper back on him and preserve the "simpleness" that comes with it. Or maybe I just want to stop him from growing up. What ever the reason may be, we've kept foraging on. Sooner then later my little baby is going to be out of diapers. And preschool isn't much further away either. They really do grow up fast!

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