Sunday, January 31, 2010

Toddler Bed

We finally were able to get Shane a toddler bed on Friday. It sat in his room for a couple days,while he continued to sleep in his crib that last two nights. The last few days were just to full to start the transition. Finally this morning we were able to take the crib down and put the bed in its place. He has been super excited about it all weekend long. Nap time today was his first time sleeping in it. We went over the "rules" of the new bed: No getting out of it and no playing with toys in his room. Though we imagine the no getting out of it will fall by the waste side at some point, but figured we should start lofty and go from there. He was so darn tired from being sick, not sleeping well last night and from no nap yesterday that he just crashed. He didn't make a peep, or even call us once. Let's just hope tonight goes as well, but so far so good.

Shane "helping" to put it together.

He was being so goofing after we got it all set up this morning, that I could get a good picture of him on it.

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