Monday, January 25, 2010

Toddler Time

Kenny and I were talking one night and come to the conclusion that there is a such thing as "toddler time". It goes something like this:

When a toddler takes a 2 hour nap it only feels like he has been sleeping for an hour tops.

When a toddler watches TV quietly and happily for 30 minutes if feels like barely 10 minutes has gone by.

When a toddler throws a tantrum for 10 minutes it feels like an hour of whining, crying, and yelling.

When a toddler has been sleeping past 7am Monday through Friday, it is guaranteed that that said toddler will be up before 6am on Saturday and Sunday.

When you take a toddler on a 2 hour car ride, it feels like you've been in the car all day long.

Toddler time is a tough thing to deal with. It makes for long days and short moments of peace and quiet. Though I think at some point when my toddler is all grown up I may miss toddler time. Then again, maybe I won't.

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