Saturday, January 16, 2010

Who's Refrigerator is This?

Recently my non vegetable and fruit eating Husband read an article in Trail Running magazine about being less acidic in your body and trying to be more balanced or have your body be more alkaline. The article explained all the benefits to this and that basically you needed to cut the "crap" out of your diet and eat more "whole" foods like fruit and vegetables. Not rocket science or new news to most of us out there, but for whatever reason this article hit home for Kenny.

In turn amazing things have happened at out house. The first evening of this change he ate a big bowl of broccoli. Never in my almost 8 years of knowing him have I seen him eat broccoli!!! The other day I called him at work and could tell that he was eating. I asked what he was eating, you may want to hold on for this one, carrots! He has gone to the grocery store with me the two weeks to help pick out the fruit and veggies he wants. Our refrigerator has never ever looked like it does now. There isn't room for all the vegetables and fruit that we've been going through. I can't say that he so far loves most of what he has been eating, but I'm super proud and happy to see him try celery, apples, broccoli, etc. It's a great example for Shane and I'm super happy to add more of these items to my diet as well.

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