Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I feel like I've been MIA on my blog lately for various reasons. Some of which include: not enough time in the day it seems like during the past couple of months to get everything completed, during the winter months it just seems like we don't do that many fun and exciting things like we do during the summer, and we've been house hunting. Now that the house hunt is over I get to spend the rest of my free time packing and getting ready to move.

I've been wanting to start a Menu Monday post the past couple of weeks, I'm going to try to get it up and rolling next week. Stay tuned for that one. My hope is that it will help keep me motivated in my weekly meal planning and help inspire some new meals at your house. Don't we all get so tired of figuring out what is for dinner!!!

Also look for upcoming posts on our house we are in the process of purchasing! It's been a long time coming and I can't believe the house waiting/hunting is just about over. And a Shane update will be coming soon as well.

Really I am here, just crazy crazy busy. Not the best excuse, just the truth.

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