Saturday, February 20, 2010

What a Crappy Day!

Crappy is an understatement, too. I'd really like to use a bunch of four letter words to describe today. It all started around 12:30am when I woke up to Kenny out of bed. When I asked what was wrong he told me had had been throwing up. Oh, Great! He told me to get some sleep, and I knew I needed the sleep because Shane would be up soon enough and he would be all mine.

5:30am arrived and Shane was up and ready to "play". We'll I sure wasn't ready to play and neither was Kenny. Shane got a privileged hour in front of the tube with milk. His Saturday started off with a bang. Ours not so much. Kenny told me he felt like a truck had run him over and I just wanted to have a fun Saturday with my family in the sunshine.

9am I rounded Shane up to make the best of the morning by hitting a few garage sales (which he normally loves) and getting a couple errands completed. The garage sales were terrible and Shane was a mess on and off the whole time we were out of the house.

12pm lunch was completed and I was super excited for my 2 hours of down time while Shane napped and for the prospect of playing outside in the beautiful 60 degree blue sky weather when Shane woke up. I was even thinking about maybe going to the evening church service with Shane. Just to get him out of the house so Kenny could rest more. My little buddy REFUSED to nap. Three hours of struggling and trying to get him to nap ended in defeat. During this struggle when I thought for sure he would nap he lost outside privileges if he didn't take a nap, and evening TV privileges, too. Thinking those would get him to sleep for sure, well, I was wrong and had backed myself into one hell of an afternoon. No escapes outside and no TV for the wary.

4pm I'm hungry and going crazy. I dragged Shane to the car to go pick up a $5 pizza for us. He just about falls asleep in the car. Which he NEVER does. I quickly fed him dinner, give him a bath and got him into bed around 6pm. With massive crying and screaming during the whole process. The kid was out cold by 6:15 at the latest.

The cherry on top of all of this is that I was suppose to go to knitting class tonight, but since Kenny was sick, I didn't want to have him put Shane to bed so I canceled. I didn't just cancel I didn't even get the things I needed to be able to do anything at class tonight which I was going to do during errand time today.

Ugh! What a crappy day for all of us. I sure hope tomorrow is at least just slightly better then today because I'm not sure the 3 of us can make it through another day like today.

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