Monday, March 29, 2010

Menu Monday

I am sooooo excited! This week we get our first box of fresh produce from Full Circle Farm. I have wanted to sign up for a local produce box delivery for a long time now, but was worried about getting items I didn't want or would use. Then I heard about Full Circle Farm. I can add 5 items to my NEVER give me list and each week 3 days before my delivery date I can go in and edit my box. Which means I can add more of an item or take off any items I am not interested in that week. It's perfect!

Here is what we'll get in our standard sized box this week:
1 pound Red Thumb Fingerling Potatoes
0.75 pound Asparagus
1 each Cauliflower
1 bunch Bunched Carrots
1 each Romaine Lettuce
1 each Cucumbers
1 pound Zucchini
4 each D'anjou Pears
4 each Cameo Apples
4 each Valencia Oranges
1 bunch Red Radishes
2 each Meyer Lemons

So onto the meal planning for this week:
Monday -- Red Rice and Sausage leftovers from last night
Tuesday -- Fish Fillets from the Schwan's Man (we didn't have them last week)
Wednesday -- Chicken with artichokes and angel hair
Thursday -- leftovers
Friday --Linguine with spring vegetables (zucchini and asparagus from our box)
Saturday -- leftovers
Sunday -- Easter Dinner: Ham, potatoes, rolls, salad and pie for dessert


  1. I'm so checking this company out! I would love farm fresh produce.

    Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  2. I have thought about doing a CSA for a while too. I do love the idea of getting things that would challenge me to use. My only issue is that I spend about $40-50 a week currently on strictly fruit and veggies and that gets us a lot. We eat way more than a CSA box could provide and ordering more just makes it too expensive.

    I am looking forward to the summer when we can hit the farmer's markets. Though some of what I buy is local, winter can be challenging.

    We did our produce shopping yesterday for the week which included 10 apples, 8 oranges, 2 boxes of tomatoes, a pineapple, 2 boxes of strawberries, 5 onions, 1 red onion, 1 bag of carrots, 2 bunches of green onions, 1 head of cabbage, bags of lettuce and spinach, bunch of bananas, a gigantic bag of potatoes ($1.98!). I think there may have been more. But I just don't think I could make a CSA work at the moment as much as I love the idea.

  3. They have a family sized box, we picked the standard which is smaller then the family. We'll still need to supplement at times I'm sure, but I like the local part of it, and I don't generally have the time weekly to go to the Yakima Fruit Market, and I don't like the quality of produce at the general grocery store, so we'll try this out and see how it goes.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!