Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Moving Day

We made it through moving day. It didn't rain, which was super helpful. We couldn't have done it with out help from my parents and The Hakamada's. We needed Dama's big muscles to help with the heavy stuff. My Mom cleaned the whole house on Thursday while everyone else was at work. Making a easy move into the place. Now we are just unpacking and organizing, trying to make life not feel quite so upside down.

I sure hope that we won't need to rent a moving truck for a really, really, really long time after this!

Every time I turned around, Shane seemed to be taking a snack break.

Our first home improvement project. Kenny tore out the carpet in the front entry way, where we'll soon be putting tile.

Sadie found herself a new perch where she can watch over the neighborhood.

These are two super tired doggies. Sadie was super stressed out last week and now is starting to finally settle down. Dodger is more wired at the new place, he won't let anyone out of his sight. He'll settle in soon with a great long nap on the couch.


  1. I said to Kenny when we were loading the truck "this seems oddly familiar"! I am glad you guys are getting settled. Very happy for you! it's a beautiful place.

  2. CONGRATS!!!! I hope you are enjoying your new place. :)


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